16 comments on “GTA V Bus

  1. سلام عماد اقا می خواستم ماشین از سایت مدل های ایرانی بخرم تا برام برای بازی جی تی ای ایوی تبدیل کنی . اگر ایمیل داری بگو بیام یا هو مسنجر با هم صبحت کنیم در باره ماشین باشه . نماز و روزت قبل باشه خدا نگخدار.
    اگر جوابت مثبت یا هوم ادت کن.یا به یاهوم یا سایت پیام بده

  2. Hey Emad i have downloaded your GTA V Bus to GTA IV and it’s always bouncing when i start driving it’s do you have anyway i can fix this ?

  3. what tool did you use to put the bus in your game i used GTA IV Vehicle Mod Installer it’s could that tool i used or something else no idea either oh and i had a mod request if you didn’t mind i wanted to know if you could make the New Flyer D40LF Bus mods for GTA IV

    • I put mods on my game manually using open iv or spark iv, and I replace codes manually too. I suggest you to do that manually one time and see the result.

      Do you have any 3d model of this bus?

  4. not really i don’t have the model of the bus only GTA SA is the one that actually got the new flyer D40LF Bus Modification i been trying to see can i convert dff to wft and txd to wtd ain’t been having no luck so far

    • Converting dff to wft and txd to wtd is not just converting a file format, and it’s not that easy, you need to completely create a new file with a new format, nothing is common between wft and dff but both are mesh files. Converting dff to wft or or conversely is not possible, you can’t convert, you need to completely “create” a new file.

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